Sunday, September 22, 2013

This blog

I have started this blog to hopefully meet and network with other mamas out there who share in the same beliefs and parenting styles as I do.  I would never have described myself as “crunchy” or a “hippy” but at the age of 31 I realize that that is exactly how my close friends and family would describe me.
Why would I be considered “crunchy”?  Well…
Breast Feeding – check!
Cloth Diapering – check!
Paleo/Primal diet – check!
Baby-wearing – check!
Making Baby Food – check!

We are a usually cloth-diapering, paleo-ish, gardening family who does our best to make the best decisions for our family, our budget and the earth.  Now that Joshua is 6-months we are experimenting with co-sleeping (I’m still on the fence about this one)

I do baby wear all the time and I love every minute of it.

We have found ourselves making most of these decisions based on either gut-feeling (crying it out just doesn’t feel right to me at this age) or purely being frugal…